Monday, February 28, 2005

Recollections: 2004 Social and Club Events

Here's a snapshot of the Club from 2004...

October '04:

Hi all, just a quick note to let you know that the Arnis Club have invited us to a BBQ this Thursday, October 21 starting about 6.30pm, at the Sport and Rec Centre (under the covered area outside of the lounge area near reception).

Please come along and say hi - our last BBQ was a lot of fun!We will start with a short session in the Basement Room (Campus Centre) then move to the Rec Centre around 6.30pm, if you wish to do some tai chi before eating! :o)

May '04:
Hi tai chi-ers!

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to the inter-Club BBQ, it was a lot of fun and I certainly learned more about some of our members. Not only that, we were joined by our friends from the Arnis Club and the Buddhist Society!

There was plenty of cooking (thanks to Emmerson, Rusty and Phil), eating (great sushi Rusty! Brendan, your turn to make satays next!), talking and sharing ideas for the Club.

Serge and Sifu John were also able to join us, which was fantastic! Sifu John brought along some videos of his colleagues demonstrating the martial applications of Tai Chi - it had everyone's attention! The videos were enjoyed with cakes and desserts (did we eat! :o) - thanks to the Arnis club for bringing along choccie cakes and drinks.

April '04:

Thank you to club members who were able to attend the AGM for 2004 to vote in our office bearers - much appreciated. We now have approval from Sports and Recreation on the outcomes of our AGM. Our Club president, Brendan, is currently setting up our financial needs in order to move forward for the rest of the year.

Congratulations to our other new office bearers, Rusty, Phil and Marg!...And what better way to celebrate than with a... Club BBQ Dinner!

We are in the process of arranging a BBQ dinner, following a short training session....stay tuned, more details at training sessions to come...Club T-shirts now available!

Many thanks to Serge for arranging the t-shirts - they look spectacular!If you were not present when sizes were arranged, please speak to Serge at training about getting a t-shirt. It looks great with everyone wearing the club t-shirt at training! :o)

Thanks to everyone for their contributions and interest so far. It looks to be a great year for Tai Chi!


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